Blades, 2024

Blades, 2024

latex paint on canvas
5" x 5"

Fresh Cut, 2024

Fresh Cut, 2024

latex paint and spray paint on canvas
40" x 30"

That's Not Right, 2024

That's Not Right, 2024

acrylic and latex paint on panel
8" x 10"

Viral, 2015

Viral, 2015

oil enamel and latex paint on panel
24" x 49"

Downpour, 2024

Downpour, 2024

latex and acrylic paint on panel
8" x 8"

Pathways, 2018

Pathways, 2018

latex paint on multiple panels
20 x 28”

Here / / There, 2016

Here / / There, 2016

latex paint on panel and wall
20” x 16”

Tensions Rise, 2020

Tensions Rise, 2020

latex paint and spray paint on canvas
24 x 36”

Flowers in the Garden, 2017

Flowers in the Garden, 2017

acrylic and latex paint on wooden panel and wall with flexible tubing
Scale: far right purple flower is 18" x 24"

Flora, 2019

Flora, 2019

acrylic and latex paint on panel
14" x 15”

Battleground, 2021

Battleground, 2021

acrylic and latex paint on canvas
30" x 34"

The Coast, 2018

The Coast, 2018

acrylic and latex paint on panel
30“ x 30”

Strangescape, 2015

Strangescape, 2015

acrylic and latex paint on canvas
54" x 54"

Stacks On Stacks On Stacks, 2016

Stacks On Stacks On Stacks, 2016

oil enamel and latex paint on canvas
70" x 80"

Eruption, The Beginning, 2013

Eruption, The Beginning, 2013

acrylic and latex paint on wood
36” x 36”

Blades, 2024

latex paint on canvas
5" x 5"

Fresh Cut, 2024

latex paint and spray paint on canvas
40" x 30"

That's Not Right, 2024

acrylic and latex paint on panel
8" x 10"

Viral, 2015

oil enamel and latex paint on panel
24" x 49"

Downpour, 2024

latex and acrylic paint on panel
8" x 8"

Pathways, 2018

latex paint on multiple panels
20 x 28”

Here / / There, 2016

latex paint on panel and wall
20” x 16”

Tensions Rise, 2020

latex paint and spray paint on canvas
24 x 36”

Flowers in the Garden, 2017

acrylic and latex paint on wooden panel and wall with flexible tubing
Scale: far right purple flower is 18" x 24"

Flora, 2019

acrylic and latex paint on panel
14" x 15”

Battleground, 2021

acrylic and latex paint on canvas
30" x 34"

The Coast, 2018

acrylic and latex paint on panel
30“ x 30”

Strangescape, 2015

acrylic and latex paint on canvas
54" x 54"

Stacks On Stacks On Stacks, 2016

oil enamel and latex paint on canvas
70" x 80"

Eruption, The Beginning, 2013

acrylic and latex paint on wood
36” x 36”

Blades, 2024
Fresh Cut, 2024
That's Not Right, 2024
Viral, 2015
Downpour, 2024
Pathways, 2018
Here / / There, 2016
Tensions Rise, 2020
Flowers in the Garden, 2017
Flora, 2019
Battleground, 2021
The Coast, 2018
Strangescape, 2015
Stacks On Stacks On Stacks, 2016
Eruption, The Beginning, 2013